Astrid Bakker has been appointed professor of Bone Mechanobiology at the Faculty of Dentistry of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. She will publicly accept her appointment on Friday 31st may 2024 at 15.45 uur in the aula of the university , (De Boelelaan 1105, Amsterdam)

The inaugural lecture can also be followed  via


Afscheidslezing Prof. Dr. Jenneke Klein Nulend

Op 17 mei 2024 is de afscheidslezing van Prof. Dr. Jenneke Klein Nulend in de Aula van het VU-hoofdgebouw, de Boelelaan 1105, 1081 HV, Amsterdam. Aanvang 15.45 uur exact. Het is een openbare zitting, dus aanmelden is niet nodig. De rede is ook te volgen via Na afloop is er een receptie en gelegenheid tot feliciteren.

Afscheidslezing van Prof. Dr. Willem F. Lems

Op 19 april 2024 is de afscheidslezing van Prof Dr Willem F Lems in de Aula van het VU-hoofdgebouw, de Boelelaan 1111, 1081 HV, Amsterdam. Aanvang 15.45 uur exact. Het is een openbare zitting, dus aanmelden is niet nodig. Na afloop is er een receptie en gelegenheid tot feliciteren.

Voor in reumatologie geinteresseerden: die dag is er het jaarlijkse (Nederlandstalige) ARC Amstel Voorjaarssymposium, in de Amstelzaal van het Amsterdam UMC Locatie VUmc (van 09.00-15.00 uur), ook dit jaar door Willem georganiseerd als educational officer van het Amsterdam Rheumatology & immunology Center. Ook hier bent u welkom, maar vooraf aanmelden is gewenst, via

The 2024 Bone Curriculum Symposium and the Pre-Symposium on Rare Bone, Calcium and Phosphate Disorders organised by the KBVR / SRBR Osteoporosis and Fracture Prevention Group will be held at the Aula in Ghent on 22 & 23 February 2024.

The Bone Curriculum Symposium is a continuous structured educational lecture cycle on bone. It includes bone biology, physiology, pathophysiology, calcium and phosphate metabolism, covers bone, calcium and phosphate disorders, osteoporosis, diagnosis, management and treatment.

The intention of the Bone Curriculum is to provide high quality continuous education for clinicians interested in, seeing or treating patients with osteoporosis or bone diseases and is a structured educational program for rheumatology and other bone-interested medical trainees. In this context, the lectures mainly cover up to date basic knowledge, overviews and reviews. Interactive participation is encouraged.

The Pre-symposium on Rare bone, calcium and phosphate disorders provides general information on rare bone, calcium and phosphate diseases to interested second-line clinicians and also intends to be an educational and exchange platform for dedicated bone specialists.

You can register here

Het voorlopig programma is voor de Jaarvergadering op 8 en 9 november is bekend: NVCB programma 2023

Registreren is nog steeds mogelijk via  de volgende link:  Registratie




Announcing the 33 rd Annual meeting of the Dutch Society for Calcium and Bone Metabolism! The meeting will take place the 8th and 9th of November 2023.  As always we will retreat in the beautiful forrest of  Zeist at Conference Center Woudschouten.  Stay tuned for our newsletter with abstract deadlines and possible award opportunities.

The ECTS Philippe Bordier Clinical Award is awarded to individuals who have made a significant clinical contribution to the field of bone and calcified tissue. And this year prof Carola Zillikens (Erasmus MC) received the award in Liverpool during the ECTS conference this april! For more information about the award of previous awardees, please look at


Dear all,

With great pleasure we announce that the 32nd annual meeting of the NVCB will be held on 10 & 11 November 2022 in “Conferentiecentrum Woudschoten te Zeist”.

Invited and confirmed Speakers:

Prof. Dr. Wim van Hul, Centrum Medische Genetica, Antwerp University, Belgium
Dr. Rachel Schats, Human Osteoarchaeology in the Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University, the Netherlands
Prof. dr. Irene Mathijssen, Chirurg, afdeling Plastische en Reconstructieve Chirurgie, Erasmus MC, the Netherlands

Registration and abstract submission is now open here. The registration/submission deadline is 9th October 2022.
The final program will be published on the website of our society (
(In case the link doesn’t work go to:

If you want to submit an abstract, please make sure that your abstract is finished before continuing the registration process.

Guidelines Abstract:

Title: max 30 words

Abstract text: max 300 words

Title, Authors, Presenting Author & Abstract can be pasted into the registration form. There is no need to format the abstract (font styles/face/size)


Best Publication Award

In 2022 a prize will be awarded for the best publication in the field of bone and calcified tissue research, the “Best Publication Award” (€250) at the annual meeting. PhD students as well as those that have received their PhD not longer than two years ago can apply for this award. The scientific publication should be sent before 1st of October as a PDF-file to the secretary of the society ( The manuscript must have been published between 1 July 2020 and 30 June 2022. More details can be found on the NVCB website.

Hope to see many of you!

Max Gijsbertsen has won the Curaphar best presentation award during the 2021 yearly meeting of the NVCB. He presented his research on the generation of a Crouzon Syndrome cell line using prime editing and characterization of craniosynostosis patient specific hiPSCs.

dr Maaike Schilperoort (LUMC/Colombia University) was presented with the Kyowa Kyrin best thesis award 2021 for her thesis: it’s about time.

The thesis targets various consequences of disruption of the internal biological clock, including the consequences on bone.  A consistent circadian rhythm is essential for long-term health, and chronic circadian disturbances have been strongly associated with cardiometabolic diseases and metabolic bone disturbances in humans.  This thesis provides insight into the role of circadian rhythm in the development of (cardio)metabolic diseases, and elucidates novel approaches to prevent diseases associated with circadian disturbances.  She discovered that strong rhythms in the expression of circadian clock genes within the bones of mice, were clearly disrupted by shifting light-dark cycles. Repeated shifts in light-dark cycle decreased plasma levels of markers for bone formation and resorption, indicative of a reduced bone turnover. Consistent with these observations,  abnormalities in trabecular bone structure and an increased cortical bone mineralization were found. Altogether, the bones of mice exposed to shifting light-dark cycles show an osteoporotic phenotype that may explain the increased incidence of bone fractures in shift workers.

Furthermore a disturbed glucocorticoid rhythm could also underlie the association between circadian disruption and osteoporosis. Experimental flattening of the corticosterone rhythm in mice tilted the balance in bone remodeling towards bone resorption, thereby reducing bone volume and density. The observed alterations in bone structure negatively affected the mechanical properties of bone, as reflected by a decreased bone strength and stiffness. Together, these results indicate that a disturbed glucocorticoid rhythm can indeed increase the risk of osteoporotic fractures. .This is not only relevant for shiftworkers, but also for patients that have a blunted endogenous glucocorticoid rhythm due to exogenous glucocorticoid administration. In these patients, well-designed chronotherapy with glucocorticoids may reduce osteoporotic adverse effects. The full thesis is available here

Dr. Maaike Schilperoort is currently working as a postdoctoral researcher at Colombia University, USA and therefore her award was collected by the supervisor of her bone experiments, dr Liesbeth Winter (LUMC).