NVCB meeting – 8 & 9 November 2023
The 2023 annual NVCB meeting (33rd edition) will take place on 8 and 9 november at the Woudschoten conference center in Zeist (venue: www.woudschoten.nl). Registration will start after the summer. This year we will organize a special focus on Osteogenesis Imperfecta with the patient organisation, Dr. Guus Janus (Isala Zwolle), Prof. Dr. Oliver Semler (University Cologne, Germany) and Dr. Dimitra Micha (Amsterdam UMC)

Other Invited speakers:
Prof. Dr. Jenneke Klein Nulend, ACTA, Amsterdam
Prof. Dr. Nico Sommerdijk, Radboud UMC, Nijmegen, Bone organoids and application
Dr. Paula Ramos-Silva, Naturalis, Leiden, Biomineralization in Molluscs

Best PhD Thesis Award
In 2023 the NVCB will also offer a prize (€1000) for the Best Thesis in the field of bone and calcified tissue research. The PhD graduation date should be between 1 July 2021 and 1 July 2023. Other conditions that apply can be found on the website. In order to apply, a PDF version of the thesis needs to be sent in before 15 september 2023 to the secretary of the NVCB. More details can be found on the NVCB website.

Open position in the NVCB Board
According to the statutes of our society, every three years the members of our board have to be re-elected or exchanged. This year we have to elect the president of our society. If you think that you can bring our society further and you are interested in becoming the president of our society, let us know before the 1st of October 2023 by sending an email to the secretary of the NVCB (info@nvcb.nl). So far we have one candidate. Voting of the new president will happen at the annual general meeting in Zeist.

Phosphate Research Exchange Academy, June 8th, 2023
The Medical Affairs department of Kyowa Kirin Benelux is organizing in cooperation with the Calcium and Bone Metabolism Laboratory of the Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam an Exchange Academy on fundamental phosphate research. This will take place as an online event on the 8th of June, 2023 (14-17h). The aim of this Exchange Academy is to share insights on fundamental phosphate research and create possible collaborative research opportunities between different research groups/institutes. Please have a look at the attachment for details of the program and how to register !

Afgelopen zondag , op het 49ste congres van de European Calcified Tissue Society heeft onze voorzitter, dr Natasha Appelman-Dijkstra de Iain T Boyle Award uitgereikt gekregen.
Deze award wordt uitgereikt aan jonge onderzoekers die een significante bijdrage hebben geleverd aan onderzoek naar bot en mineraal aandoeningen in de afgelopen jaren. (https://ectsoc.org/grants-awards-funding/awards/ects-iain-boyle-award/ voor het volledige jury report).
Appelman-Dijkstra kreeg de award  onder andere voor haar werk in de zeldzame aandoening Fibreuze Dysplasie/McCune Albright syndroom en het coördineren van de Europese registers voor zeldzame bot en mineraal aandoeningen (www.eurr-bone.com).